Alioune Diagne


Alioune Diagne presents his work Amour Amour Amour in both of the dates of the opening of our 2023 edition of the Festival in Korzo, Den Hag. As you can understand from the title, his work is all centred in Love:


– Introduce your work with three words:

Love (Amour), movement, freedom.


– What themes do you love to explore?

My work is about the body and the history, the memories within it; as well as, Love and Peace.


– What does excite you?

Good news, new projects. When I feel love, when I see love, when I live with love and when I smile with love.


– What music do you use in the studio?

I like to use Techno music, to start the studio sessions, to give me energy to start dancing. Sometimes, I also like to use Senegalese music. Though, the music from the performance is tightly connected to the theme of the piece.



More about Alioune Diagne >>>

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